Her dream came true: she is featured in a leading newspaper. 


My client, Corinne, who graduated from my Roadmap to A Career You Love program is featured in the Boston Globe. Her vision of starting her own business and being featured in a newspaper came true.

I am SO PROUD of her. 

and I know that if she did it, so can you.

I just received this email from her:


I hope you are doing well.  I love seeing your name pop into my inbox when you I receive your newsletter.

I wanted to let you know that I have found deep joy in building a business over the last six months. See the link below – I was just featured in the Boston Globe!

I know that all of our hours and hours of work together got me to this point today. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I hope you are doing well!!

My fondest regards,

Like most of my clients, Corinne came to me with lots of doubts and confusion about the direction of her career and what she wanted to do.

Through our work together, I helped her gain clarity and confidence about her dream career.

As I helped her visualize what her dream career would look like, she saw herself starting her own business and being featured in a newspaper or magazine.  

Well, here it is! Her vision is now a reality.

She made the jump and her dream is coming true.

This is only the beginning for her. She has an even BIGGER vision that I helped her clarify. And I know she will do it. She is on her way, one milestone at a time.

She was very confused, had her doubts, but she persisted, she did the work. and it paid off.

If she did it, so can you.

I know it and I’m here to help. I regularly receive emails from past clients sharing about their successes.

And please, do me a favor. Don’t give up, even when the time gets roughBecause it will. It is part of the journey.

Corinne has her lows on her journey and she did not give up!

To your dreams coming true,


P.S. What will it take for you to be a success story? — and if you are already a success story or on your way to one, please share with me. I want to hear and cheer you on!