OMG. I am so pumped up!

I just helped another of my client clarify her ultimate career dream and the work she is here to do on the planet.

After 4 months of working together, this is what she said in our session last week: 

“It’s like a North Star I can finally see and some kind of purpose.
This is the first time I’m seeing that for a very long time. It was hidden.
I’ve something I can work towards. It’s a huge relief, to not have this constant fear that I don’t know what I want; that what I’ll do will be a mistake.”
(Shared with her permission; name kept confidential)

She started working with me in May after attending my workshop at General Assembly in San Francisco. 

When we started together, like many of my clients, she was anxious about her future:

 “I don’t know what I’m here for, what I’m supposed to do.
I fear that what I’ll do will be a mistake.”

Now, only four months later, she is clear about her dream career and her purpose. She has found her North Star.

She wants to “found a business that develops solutions to help close the gap of inequality for women in the workplace. Covering aspects such as equal pay, equality of opportunity, and equal representation in executive leadership.”

She is only 27 and I know this will happen in her lifetime.

This is her DESTINY and she has what it takes to fulfill it.

You do too.

Whatever yours is.

and however old you are.  I’ve helped clients in their 20’s all the way to clients in their 60’s.

If they did it, so can you.


P.S. Your North Star is waiting for you. Will you go and find it?