STOP DOING. Slow down and go inward. (PICS from my epic retreat in San Diego)

STOP DOING. Slow down and go inward. (PICS from my epic retreat in San Diego)

Do you give yourself permission to slow down, rest, reflect?

Or are you always in “go-go” mode, doing and doing all the time?

If you are, this is time to STOP doing


This is what I said: STOP DOING.

DOING all the time won’t get you where you want to be.

It won’t.

Oh, shocker. Really?

Don’t get me wrong. Doing is important. And if you are inspired to DO and take lots of inspired actions, don’t stop that!

But if you are always in DOING mode, it won’t work.

You need time to slow down, reflect, and just BE.

To harvest the fruits of the year.

To reflect on what your true priorities are for next year.

To assess if you are living your life according to your values and what matters most to you.

If you are in doing mode all the time, you can’t access that. 

Slowing doing and going within is what I’m practicing–imperfectly– right now after a very active past few weeks and months.

LOTS have been happening in the past few weeks.

I attended two 3-day retreats with my mentors and communities.

Lots of shifts are happening in my personal life.

At Wealthy Goddess LIVE, transformational retreat with my coach, Kendra in San Diego.

With my sisters, other visionary women up to great things.

photo by Lindsay A. Miller, Wealthy Goddess LIVE. (Del Mar North Beach, California)

on a 3-day retreat with my spiritual community in Mill Valley, California.

After these powerful weeks, I am back home, integrating, harvesting, and reflecting. 

I’m giving myself permission…

…permission to slow down.

…permission to rest.

…permission to not have all the answers.

…permission to reflect.

…permission to take my time.

Photo by Lindsay A. Miller, Wealthy Goddess LIVE.

It is not always easy. I tend to overdo at times and I tire myself. My inner achiever gets impatient. The part of me that wants to know and have all the answers gets restless. Yes, she does!

Can you relate?

If so, this may be TIME TO SLOW DOWN.

Recharging so that you can be more present for yourself, your loved ones, and your life.


Start NOW.

yes, right now! I see you 🙂


P.S Comment below and tell me how this is going for you. I’m here with you. I get it, slowing down in this crazy busy world can be hard, but it will pay off dividends, at all levels, including in your work.