How I get inspired and tap into my inner guidance (pics inside)

How I get inspired and tap into my inner guidance (pics inside)

As a coach and business owner, I’ve learned that this is key that I take rejuvenating breaks during the year so that I can be of best service to you, my clients, and community. 

This is NOT optional.

This is an integral part of living my purpose in the world and giving the best that I can give. 

I am recently back from a rejuvenating camping trip to the Trinity Alps in Northern California. 

This is one of my favorite combos to get inspired and tap into my inner guidance.

💦 Immerse my body in water
🌲 Spend time in nature
✏️ Contemplate, journal, write and draw

I came back feeling refreshed and clear about what I want to create in my life and business for the rest of 2020

I connected to the BIGGER VISION I’m here to create for the next five years. 

How do YOU get inspired and tap into your own guidance?

Whatever your life and work situation, this is KEY to the success and fulfillment of your goals. 


I remind this to my clients all the time.

A lot of them experience a higher level of clarity and success as a result of doing things they enjoy and that rejuvenate them.

I’d love to hear what are your ways and practices. 

Comment below and let me know. Bonus points if you share pics! 🙂

In service,


PS: The Ocean is another great medicine for me, cover photo of me at Tennessee Cove Beach, California.

How I listened to my intuition and flew to France on a 3-day notice

How I listened to my intuition and flew to France on a 3-day notice

Bonjour de France!

This is where I am as I am writing this.

At my grandma’s home in the South West of France.

Three weeks ago, I had no idea I would be flying to France. There was no trip to France planned in my schedule for a while.

Monday, two weeks ago, as I was talking to my 101 years-old grandma over the phone, I found her voice and energy extremely low, lower than it has ever been.

My heart sank.

My grandma who I love very much recently spent three months at the hospital after falling and breaking her femoral neck last February. She has been back home for a few weeks but with limited autonomy and moving on a wheelchair. This has been extremely hard for her.

On that call, I heard my intuition speak very loudly: 

“Go to France and see her. She needs your love and presence right now.”

On Friday, four days later, I bought my ticket.

On Saturday, I was on the plane to Paris.

On Sunday night, I was giving her a big hug.

This is an example of me following my intuition and taking inspired action aligned with my values.

3 of the keys of living a fulfilling life and career

1. I listened to my intuition: I heard it very loudly. I don’t always hear it so loudly; this time was particularly clear. I initially resisted it. I had other plans; it required shifting things around, and facing disappointing people. It was hard. I faced some of my demons. But, everytime I would speak to my grandma the following days, it was so loud and clear that I could not resist it. I knew I had to go or I would regret it.

2. I took inspired action: This action was not planned or prepared. It was a spontaneous action guided by my heart and my intuition. It felt right. I felt inspired to do it. It did not feel forced or constrained. It emerged organically. I felt more alive as a result. This is what inspired actions look and feel like.

3. I aligned my action with my values: My grandma is one of the most important people in my life. I love her very dearly. She has given me so much love over the years. I wanted to give back and be present with her the same way she has been for me. Caring and showing acts of love to the people I love, especially my family,  is a top value for me. Every time I act on this value, my life feels fulfilled, rich, and meaningful. This is what happens when you live according to your core values.

I am so glad I did all of these things. Since being here, my grandma has felt much better. I saw her regaining some vitality and strength. I fulfilled part of my purpose by being with her.

So, let me ask you, 

How are you doing on these three keys?

  1. Do you listen to your intuition? or your gut feeling? (or inner guidance) Are you actually in touch with it? or do you listen to the voice of “should” and fears? Or do you even don’t know maybe because you have lost touch with your intuition for a long time?
  2. Are you taking inspired actions? or actions dictated by society and what people around you tell you “should” do? Do you wait to act until you have a super well crafted, impeccable plan?
  3. Are you living your life according to your values? Do you even know what your values are and what brings fulfillment and richness to your life? What your key ingredients and drivers of fulfillment are.

Check with yourself right now. This is important. This is your life.

If you answer no to most of the questions above, chances are that you are lacking significant fulfillment in your work or life.

And yes, these totally apply to work as well. They are essential to be happy in your work.

If so, what are you going to do this week to change that?

Or, if you answered yes to most of these questions:

What are you going to do to align even more your life and work with those keys?

Hit reply and tell me. I would love to hear and support you.

To you living your life and career on YOUR own terms.

This is what I stand for.


How much do you value yourself? (pics of something I’ve never done before)

How much do you value yourself? (pics of something I’ve never done before)

Last week, I did something I have never done before. 

I treated myself with a FULL day 1:1 with my kickass business and transformational coach, Kendra.

Which means…all of her attention and coaching was on me between 10am and 7pm!
Yes! I had her all for myself for a full day!

Wow! Can you imagine this? My inner personal growth lover was ecstatic!

  • The whole agenda was MINE. I could ask support and coaching on ANYTHING I wanted.
  • I was the one to decide where I wanted to do our session: inside, outside, in the steam room, anywhere I wanted!
  • She treated me with yummy and healthy food for lunch and dinner.
  • She would ensure all my needs where taken care of: food, water, tea, comfort, temperature, etc
  • She even gifted me this beautiful innerSPIRIT rattle after I mentioned to her I wanted one.
  • I let her be of service to me and my expansion.
How amazing is that? Here is what I realized: Receiving this was a radical act of self-care and self-love.I was able to treat myself and receive in such a way because I value myself enough to have it.
I deserve it.
I am important enough.
I love myself enough to treat myself in such a way. Don’t be fooled though. This is the result of several years of focus and expansion in that area. I had to practice a lot to get to that point. And there are still times when I deprive myself of what I want. I’m far from being perfect at it.
How much do YOU value YOURSELF to treat yourself in such a way?
To invest time, energy, resources in what you truly desire.
Do you think you are worth it? you deserve it? OR do you short change yourself?
do you deprive yourself of what you truly desire?Take time right now to ponder this for yourself…

How much can you give to you?
How much goodness can you receive?
How good are you at receiving? at letting others serve you?

Are there any areas in your life where you short change yourself? Do you deprive yourself of what you truly want and need?

  • is it vacation or days off?
  • is it time for yourself to relax?
  • is it that thing that you really want?
  • is it that class you have always wanted to take?
  • Is it hiring a mentor or a coach to support you in an area of your life where you are stuck and have been stuck for a while?
  • is it something else?
Stop and look within. Whatever it is, be honest with yourself. What are you noticing? What are you going to do about it? Today? This week?
Awareness is great but it is only the first step. Nothing will change unless you take action….and if you are already pretty good at treating yourself well.What would stretch you to the next level?
What is one thing you have always wanted to do and have not allowed yourself to have or do?
What is the next level of your expansion?

Whatever it is, I’d love to hear! Please feel free to comment below.

To your brilliant life and career!


P.S. Remember: Expansion is a journey. I’m still on the journey as you are. Be kind with yourself if you notice it is hard for you to give to yourself what you deserve. but DO something about it. Take action! Action is the only way to shift this pattern. Start now. Don’t wait!